Monday, March 1, 2010

Tsunami Tsaturday

Had quite the adventure here in Hawaii on Saturday...
Tsunami evacuation!
Woke up at 4am and started packing as we all prepared for the worst!

We took our precious belongings (toilet paper and four pairs of underwear included - it's amazing what you pack at 4am when you are sleepy, stressed out and panicky) and trekked up the hill behind the temple with a couple hundred other peeps and waited....

And waited....

By noon-ish (hour past when the tsunami was supposed to hit) we started getting crazy and giddy from the sleep deprivation and all the hours spent cooking in the sun.

I was lucky enough to be surrounded by close friends and sister so the 6 hours spent on "high ground" wasn't as boring as it could have been.

Around 1ish we got word that the tsunami wasn't going to hit after all, so we trekked back on down the hill and were able to finally return home.

I'm so grateful and sad at the same time....
Grateful that I had this experience and have realized just how unprepared I am, (that's going to change!)
And sad for all those suffering and fighting to survive...
I just wish there was something I could do to help.


  1. I'm glad nothing happened. You need one of those 72 hour kits at least. Glad you are reminded to prepare.

  2. We better get a bit more prepared fo next time sisto.

  3. Hi friend,I found your blog..

  4. Stace, I just love your choice of shirt for the occasion! You were prepared to do more than survive! :)

    Very glad you're safe and sound. Was thinking of you when we heard the news of the earthquake and that waves could be headed your way...
