Thursday, April 29, 2010

Love. Bliss. Happiness.

Isn't this just the most beautiful photo you've ever seen??


  1. Good boy for posting. I've seen some more beautiful photos though, unfortunately a computer illiterate person deleted them off my computer. :)

  2. Love it! Texas is good, people are really nice. Our place is way bigger than TVA, even it's only a one bedroom apartment. But the thing that I love the most is that I have my own washer and dryer, and dishwasher.This is one good thing about living the life of summer sales.

    I miss you girl.loveyah.

  3. I think it's time for another blog post. I need something to read, since I don't get to talk to you all the time. Wait, we do talk all the time. Hmm... still, I need something to read and look at on yo blog.
