Saturday, May 15, 2010

I found this happy website the other day. This guy writes beautiful little love messages on pieces of cardboard to his girlfriend. The website is nothing but love note, after love note... how sweet is that??
I picked out a few of my favorites...


  1. Are you hinting that you want me to write you cardboard love notes every day? Sorry, I don't think I'll do it. But we certainly could write more aquanotes!

  2. Super cute! A guy in my neighborhood wrote cardboard notes to his mother on Mother's Day. He posted an entire phrase, one word at a time, on street signs leading from the main road of the neighborhood straight to his house. It said, "I have never told you how much I love you." It was so touching, my throat tightened up, and I don't even know them. Plus, the signs caused quite a traffic jam with everyone following the words out of curiosity. :)

  3. Not only have you not blogged in four days, but you haven't even commented on my blog in days. What is the dealyo?
