Thursday, September 1, 2011

My broken heart

I came across this lovely post on another blog that I follow. It spoke to me and gave me some hope...

" every time i hear that someone is going through a breakup i want to give them a huge hug. strangers, classmates, that crazy man on the bus, celebrities, best friends. all of them.
i want to give them a big hug & tell them it will be okay, that their hearts will smile again.
but i also know that the sun does come back. that you will get butterflies over new boys. that you will be giddy about a new first date. (and that on that date, you will not think of your past love. not one bit.) that one morning you will wake up genuinely happy about what's ahead. that you will find love again. that your heart does heal- that your wings just get stronger. that you come out on the other side a smarter, happier girl. that you will find yourself not wanting to change any of it for the world- because it helped you get to the you you are today.
that even when you think you have a better idea about what you want in life, you don't. that there are extraordinary things waiting for you. that you have no clue what God has in store for you & that things must fall apart, twist & turn to lead you to the exact place you are meant to be. with the exact person you are meant to be with.
i promise.
xoxoxoxo. "
Thank you Anna. I really needed this today.