Friday, February 25, 2011


Dear Mexican food-I could eat you for breakfast, lunch and dinner every single day.
Dear employment-I need you. Please let me find you, and soon!
Dear Hawaii-It’s only been a week and I miss you already.
Dear winter-Seriously, I’m over you. Can you please leave now??
Dear P90X-You’re kicking my butt, I’ve found muscles I didn’t even know I had.
Dear tax refund-I’m a little disappointed in you this year, thought you were going to be a bit bigger.
Dear Hawaiian tan-why you gotta fade so fast??
Dear package of M&Ms-I wanted you so bad, it was all I could do NOT to buy you while grocery shopping today.
Dear Chelsea girl-Not a single day goes by that I don’t miss and think about you.
Dear house-I’m sorry I’ve neglected you this week, you will be cleaned tomorrow.
Dear elliptical-you and I will be seeing a lot of each other over the next few weeks.
Dear Yesenia-I miss you girl! When are you moving up to Alaska to be with me??
Dear ‘PS I Love You’-You never get old to watch, thank you for always being there for me.
Dear women who work at the post office-why are you all so mean and grumpy, seriously??
Dear granola, strawberries and almond milk-you are my comfort food.
Dear Kitty, I had an okay day today (this ones for Chels!) :)